Growing Through Change: an Infertility Treatment Update

“But seek yes first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”

Matthew 6:33

Change is not something anyone is fond of and those who like change are few and far between; however, as foster parents change usually brings new lives to us. Change can be exciting as we prepare for new kiddos. Change can be hard as we have to adjust to new kiddos and they adjust to us. Some have been just removed and it new from all sides. Some have been moved many times and have no consistency.

We sent two kiddos off this past month. One to a relative placement and one home. We had planned to take a break and enjoy being a family of four and to pursue our next step in our infertility journey; however those plans were changed.

We sent our second kiddo off and not 60 seconds later we got a call from DCS to take a sibling set for 6 weeks. Two girls. We discussed it and decided since it was short term we would accept it. Bad choice. There are extensive behavioral issues with the oldest and the baby has some sensory issues. On the second day with us the oldest pinned down our soon to be adopted daughter and was beating the daylights out of her. I called our case manager and foster care specialist and requested a placement change. Guess what else I was told? These behaviors were normal for her. We were never informed. Now two weeks later they still haven’t moved these girls. Now we are waiting impatiently plus looking for a sitter for this week…here’s why:

Back in February we switched from Advanced Fertility to Boston IVF. Our new doctor ran a ton of tests on both of us. Some to attempt to see why our IVF failed (one year ago today) and some to see how he could help us achieve pregnancy. For the first time in our journey the table was turned. Instead of the focus being on me and my fertility it became more consent rated on Brock and his fertility. They found out that I had become a diabetic, no longer pre anymore. This meant a lifestyle change and I was put back on medication I had previously taken for my PCOS (it is used to treat both). I dropped about 20lbs in the first month and my A1C went down two full points. I started ovulating, on my own, and having regular periods.

All of Brock’s tests came back well within normal range. Another mystery. The doctor’s response? “I’m sending your husband to a urologist that specializes in semen analysis to see if he can determine why Brock’s count is so low and why he has such off morphology and motility also. If he can diagnose it and treat it, I see no reason why you couldn’t conceive naturally now or at least with minimal help.” Our response? Okay. Let’s do it. We made an appointment then had to change it because of respite kiddos. The new appointment is today. In Louisville. And we are excited, scared and carefully considering our options. This will be a new frontier for us as Brock has never undergone treatment, it’s always been me.

Pray that the doctor can give us answers, and that God’s will is done. Pray for peace in whatever is discovered. Pray for safe travels. Pray that our “temporary placement” goes to a permanent place and stays. 

“”Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also. And you know the way where I am going.””

‭‭John‬ ‭14:1-4‬ ‭NASB‬

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